Monday, July 9, 2007

Real Life: Cell phone annoyances

Okay, I've taken (bad) pictures, but they're going to have to wait till later as laziness and tiredness prevail.There is, however, an important point to this post, geared toward those few of you who also keep in contact with me in real life and via the cell phone.Today, my phone's screen decided to go blank and die on me. The phone itself is fine -- I can still make calls, receive calls, check my voicemail, all that -- I just can't see what I'm doing on the screen. Obviously that means I can't see any of the main menu, much less check missed calls or text messages. So, if you call me, and I don't answer, leave a voicemail -- otherwise, I won't know you called. And don't even bother trying to text me.I'm going to try to get this little issue resolved tomorrow, but I thought I would post a heads-up about it here just in case I'm unable to.ETA: Okay, so it would cost $90 to fix my $60 phone. I think not. I'm just going to have to deal with the blank screen for a bit, until I can replace the thing. Since I can still make and receive calls and check voicemail, it's functional enough for the time being -- just make sure to leave a voicemail and a callback number if I don't answer the phone.

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