Saturday, July 7, 2007

On a more frivolous note...

...I have new glasses!And I would have pictures if not for the fact that I need to charge the batteries for the camera.Just take my word for it that they are awesome. They're quite different from what I usually go with (I've always been a fan of oval, wire-rimmed and unassuming, as evidenced by every icon of myself), but I really, really like the newer look. Whee!I also like being able to see perfectly again; my old prescription was starting to be noticeably different.


lucipoder68 said...

PICTURES. We demand PICTURES.Much love,Tim

elerpeessslf said...

Pictures would be nice. **BATTERIES NEED TO CHARGE FASTER!"

diario2mperfeito4i said...

I also would like to see pictures. My contacts "expired" today. I need to get some more. Next time I go in for an eye exam I want to get square glasses-the ones I have now make my head look too round-kinda like a cherry tomato...So, pictures?