Friday, June 29, 2007


Yesterday Brandon shared a piece of music with me that almost made me cry... because it was so bad. Though on the bright side, at least I'll get the chance to inflict the misery upon you all, mwahahaha! let y'all listen to it once it's complete. Heh heh heh.I'm blogging from Denton at the moment, drinking bad coffee and waiting for Brandon to get out of class. I find it somewhat ironic that even though I'm out of school, classes are still managing to affect my schedule. Though at least I don't have homework or tests or essays unless you count the, uh, "help" I might be offering to Brandon for his literature class.I'm thinking I might do a phone post later on. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

elaughs710yahoocom said...

Do a phone post.For the kids.