Saturday, August 11, 2007

Well, ...

Well, the moving day is Monday, March 13, after which I shall be officially relocated to the greater Houston area.Naturally, I've tons of packing and preparation left to do. But what else did you expect?Tonight I quit all the packing and trashing and organizing to go out for sushi with Hope and Dawn -- our last night of sushi together, at least until I come back to visit. It was fun, but sad as well.Saturday is my last day at Starbucks South Lamar, and though I plan to have a great old time telling off customers on their cell phones, I'm not looking forward to it as much as I once was. I'm starting to get really nervous and melancholy about the move. I love Austin, I love the friends I have here, the life I have here. I know that it's time for a change for me -- but I am so very upset to leave everything in this town. It's been my heart and home for the first of my adult years. In a way, I finished growing up here.Everything seems kind of topsy-turvy in me right now. I don't know how everything is going to go from here, whereas before I had a vague plan in my head. I'm not lost, per se, but the path ahead of me is a bit obscured in the fog, and I'm not at all sure what lies in the distance. I just have to trust that God knows and will guide me; that he's prepared the right way for me, if I let him lead me there.That is my biggest struggle in the Christian life. I can't hand myself over, I can't easily trust in God's will. I want to completely plan, control and manipulate my situations too much, and I have difficulty dealing with what life hands me if it's not what I want -- particularly if something in which I invest a lot of time, emotion or thought doesn't come to fruition. I'm sure this is true to some extent of everyone, but it's especially prevalent in my life. I have to fight it consciously, all the time, to remain remotely at peace.I am still fighting though.I have an appointment with my therapist on Wednesday so I can talk some of this out before the move actually happens. I think it unwise to let it just sit and fester the whole time.On another medical note, I'd like to take a moment to rant about the medication I'm on for my complexion. The stuff dries out my skin like nothing else -- never in my life have I peeled or flaked like this: I'm shedding skin like a snake. And it's painful! And my skin is all tight and weird-feeling! And my lips are chapped ALL THE TIME!And to make matters worse, I don't really see much difference, aside from the excessively dry, flaky skin. The price of a clear complexion is entirely too high.

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