Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Friday night's all right for loafing

Since Doctor Who is now airing Friday night, that evening has become my Loaf In Front of the Television Time. Who airs 8-9, and then Monk is on USA at 9. USA has also picked up House M.D., and is rerunning episodes after Monk, so I'm catching up with that show, too.I haven't followed anything on television since The X-Files went off the air -- and to be fair, I didn't even follow the last season of the series. It feels kind of odd to be getting into prime time TV again after five years of very little interest in it -- I mostly stayed tuned to the History Channel and old X-Files episodes on late-night TNT. But they are all shows that I enjoy, even though I don't have great desire to go rushing into their respective fandoms yet.So, House. I like it, I'll keep watching -- but I am struck by how very formulaic the episodes are. A patient has an unknown illness. Foreman says lupus. Chase suggests cancer. Someone mentions allergies. House insists it's something else. Cameron sucks up. Various tests are run and treatments are tried, usually resulting in a worsening of the patient. Arguments abound. Cuddy yells at House while Wilson follows him around. House figures out the correct diagnosis at the last minute. Lather, rinse, repeat.I'm all right with formulas -- they're a staple of every TV show, and especially mystery/detective stories. Monk -- also a detective show -- has the same basic plot for every episode, as well. But Monk does a better job of varying things enough to keep my interest every time. Plus, the supporting cast is better than what House has to offer, which just might be part of it.In any case, I need icons for these shows. Tomorrow I pick up paint, so hopefully I should be getting my bedroom and computer set up by the weekend, at which point I will go on an icon-making spree. Woo.